Thursday, June 07, 2007

Vacation from this vacation

So we just got back from a mini vacation in Arizona and we pretty much had a really great time. My auntie J graduated from high school and so it was really important that we were there, since we're her family and all.

I've included some photos of our hiking excursions for your enjoyment.

Valiant had to be carried by mommy on the way back because her toes were hurting. She's just not as tough as me... I didn't have to be carried until I tore my toenail off and my foot started bleeding. I'm just a really tough bear.

We got to go up to our "cabin" on the San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff, and that was super fun! We did some more hiking up there, ate lots of people food, sat around the campfire, told scary stories (about flies) and slept outside underneath the stars (kinda' scary because the coyotes in Arizona sleep during the day and are awake at night so I kept one eye open all night just in case one of them decided to pay us a visit). It was fun because we got to go to bed early every night, before the sun went down, to read our books together. I just love family time. I slept at my auntie's feet most of the time - gives a whole new meaning to the word "bearfoot" doesn't it?


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