Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Virtuous Bear

I keep getting a lot questions (which take time and energy to answer) about why I wear my jacket or rain slicker around the house, in public and pretty much everywhere at this present time. So I thought I'd briefly update everyone, so that I can conserve my energy for "more important things" (like chasing Fairies!!!).

Mummi got clipper happy again a couple weeks ago and decided to obliterate my luscious locks of black bear hair, leaving me positively naked. I'm bearly clothed, if you know what I mean. It's positively unbearable. I'm a very modest bear, so I absolutely INSIST on wearing my jacket until my bearnicifiscent black coat grows back. Valiant is taking care of the clippers ("Do your worst!" I told her). I suppose my job is to eat as many horse turds as "bear"ily possible, as I'm sure they're full of essential nutrition for proper hair growth. I'll keep you posted on the naked truth of my hair condition.


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