Monday, March 26, 2007

The Stork visted our Barn

I went and saw my favorite horse today. She's the only horse I own and I just love her. I took her to the arena and helped my mommy lunge her... sometimes she needs a little extra motivation to canter, so I pretend like I'm a vicious bear and run behind her. I know mommy really appreciates my help because it's a lot of work owning a horse. There are stalls to be cleaned (I've got an extremely effective way to clean stalls, but mommy doesn't really like my way and uses a pitch fork, instead), feed to be tested (yeah, I'm really good at that - my baby sister and I just love horse feed!), trail rides to be taken, hooves to be trimmed (can I just say "snack time"), and of course cuddle time (yeah, my horse loves cuddle time almost as much as me). It's a full time job for a bear on the go, but it's totally worth it! I dig horses.

So the big news for me is that my horse is going to have a baby! Yippee! That means another horse to teach in the ways of the bear and how fun to have my very own baby! I hope it's a nice baby and doesn't bite me like Val does.


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