Monday, October 06, 2008

If I was...

If I was a flower I'd be a Sunflower, because I'm a "sunshine bear".
If I was a fruit I'd be a blackbeary: soft, black and sweet.
If I was a horse I'd be a Morgan: loyal, steady and reliable.
If I was a Jane Austen Heroine I'd be Eleanor from Sense & Sensibility: sensible and dependable.
If I was a car I'd be Volvo: comfortable, sporty and safe.
If I was an animal I'd be a bear (definitely).

If I was a flower I'd be a rose: irresistible but has thorns so be careful.
If I was a fruit I'd be passion fruit, because I'm passionate about everything.
If I was a horse I'd be an Arabian: smart, agile and unpredictable.
If I was a Jane Austen Heroine I'd be Marianne from Sense & Sensibility: passionate and fragile.
If I was a car I'd be a BMW Turbo: got so much speed, I sometimes take the corners too fast.
If I was an animal I'd be a Lion cub: ferocious and precocious, but I still need my mummi.


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