Friday, October 17, 2008

The mystery of the (black and) blue toe...

So you may know the Mummi broke her toe, but a little known FACT is exactly HOW Mummi broke her toe. Here's a bear witness account of what happened:

#1 The piano insulted the
#2 computer which then turned around and shocked
#3 Valiant who bit the
#4 basil plant which threw dirt at the
#5 teapot which boiled out expletives to the
#6 vacuum cleaner which ran after
#7 Me (Madison) who chased the fairy... wait... sorry... chased the
#8 ceiling fan which dropped from the ceiling and hit the
#9 washing machine which got so agitated that it rattled the
#10 painting off the wall which dropped on the
#11 kitchen table. We thought it was all going to end there, but then the kitchen table suddenly decided to throw a tree branch at the
#12 dish-rack which rattled loose the
#13 colander which had previously been sitting calmly next to the
#14 Pyrex lid which got so alarmed that it leaped out of the dish rack onto mummi's toe which just happened to be in the general vicinity

So you know you know the mystery of the broken toe. (See the rhyme?)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Recent "Favorite Movie Titles" include:

Bear in Real Life
Bear Enchanted
Beverly Hills Bears
310 to Beartown
Bears After Reading
Bears and the City (the Movie)
Kung Fu Bear
The Incredible Bear
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Bears
Bear of Honor
P.S. I Love Bears

Monday, October 06, 2008

If I was...

If I was a flower I'd be a Sunflower, because I'm a "sunshine bear".
If I was a fruit I'd be a blackbeary: soft, black and sweet.
If I was a horse I'd be a Morgan: loyal, steady and reliable.
If I was a Jane Austen Heroine I'd be Eleanor from Sense & Sensibility: sensible and dependable.
If I was a car I'd be Volvo: comfortable, sporty and safe.
If I was an animal I'd be a bear (definitely).

If I was a flower I'd be a rose: irresistible but has thorns so be careful.
If I was a fruit I'd be passion fruit, because I'm passionate about everything.
If I was a horse I'd be an Arabian: smart, agile and unpredictable.
If I was a Jane Austen Heroine I'd be Marianne from Sense & Sensibility: passionate and fragile.
If I was a car I'd be a BMW Turbo: got so much speed, I sometimes take the corners too fast.
If I was an animal I'd be a Lion cub: ferocious and precocious, but I still need my mummi.