Friday, September 28, 2007

My life

One can only ignore one's fan club for so long...
So I decided I better write a note to let you all know that I'm furry (not to be confused with fairy), content and very much alive. Updates on my bearable life are as follows:
My hair is growing out, so I should be ready for winter. I'm covered in luscious black fur, enough to make any black bear envious.
My favorite eating position this week is definitely lying tummy-flat on the floor with face full in bowl of mummi's warm soup. It conserves energy and is a much more efficient way to lap up the goods.
I love my sister and I don't like strangers - not new news, but important, nevertheless.
My favorite tea this week is Earl Bear - Valiant's is still chai tea latte.
My favorite historical figure is James Madison.
My baby horse kicked this week!
Peanut butter is very healthy and should be a staple in your diet.
My favorite summer band is "Cold Play on a hot day".
I wasn't born in September, though all other members of my family were.
My favorite movie this month was "Becoming Fairy."

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm off to Hillsdale (if Mom will let me)

Mummi and I got a letter from my auntie (my auntie and I really understand each other), at Hillsdale, and I just know this is the school for me! Bears don't necessarily need any higher education (seems we're pretty smart without it... besides what better way to learn the important things, like cuddling, than at home?), but I think there are opportunities at Hillsdale that make it obvious that a bear would blend in rather nicely. I'm including some of my auntie's most recent letter, below, so that you'll understand what I mean.

"OH!!! How could I forget? FAIRIES! My Chem teacher has a fairy--and it's GREEN! A green fairy! A green Puck just like I was [she played my favorite character in a play last summer]! It usually plays on the periodic table that's hanging on the wall, so I make sure to keep an eye out for it every day and sometimes it comes out ^_^. My Western Heritage prof also has a fairy, a red one that likes the maps on the walls, so once again I'm very attentive to any fairy movement during class. It's hard not to wag my tail. And sometimes I'm entirely distracted during my Constitution class because the sun keeps glancing off someone's watch and the fairy inside dances on the ceiling, which is, of course, of much more immediate interest than state constitutions and property rights and things of that ilk ^_^."

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jane of Austin

Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I had a lot of folks come to visit me this week, to help me celebrate my mummi's birthday.

One of our visitors was my Grandma and while she was here she decided to add an addition to their family. Grandma decided to name the addition "Jane of Austin" after my favorite author (She misspeled her name since baby Jane was born in Austin, Texas). I've been pretty tired over the past few days, because for some reason it seems all puppies are nocturnal - I think I was the notable exception when I was little, but then that's probably because I'm part bear.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Talented Miss Valiant

Paws Up! My little sister is excessively talented! Watch out for those teeth though! Trust me, they're sharp.
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